JDK 11.0.21+9
up to 17
(download ).
Node.js 20
up to the latest minor version of 23
(download ).
Git 2.23
or later (download ).
Type java -version
, node -v
and git --version
respectively on your OS terminal and ensure that you have the correct version of each prerequisite installed.
The recommended IDE is Intellij IDEA. While it is not compulsory to use it, note that we will not be able to help you troubleshoot IDE problems if you use any other IDE.
This project is already configured to use Gradle for build automation. If you are new to Gradle, see this tutorial to learn how to use it.
gradlew clean build
(./gradlew clean build
if you on a Unix-like OS), and ensure that it finishes with a BUILD SUCCESSFUL
message.gradlew test systemtest
command and ensure it succeeds too.... read the Workflow section.